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今回のコロナウイルスの影響で、どこの宿泊施設、観光業界 も同じだと思いますが、SOYの経営状況も著しく悪化しております。


SOYの売り上げが2月、3月においては前年比60%〜70%減、 4月においては99%減と壊滅的な状況になっております😢 すでに5月以降も。。。

幸いにも家族経営のため大きく人件費がかかることはないものの、SOY改装時のローンが未だ数千万円残っており、 月々の返済が数十万円にのぼります。。。


SOYを始めてのこの5年間、文字どおり"一所懸命"にSOYを運営してきました おかげさまで、国内外問わずたくさんのお客様に ご支持を頂いてきました。



「また戻ってくるね」、「日本の中で最高の思い出の一つになった」、「母ちゃんの料理また食べにくるよ」、「癒されました」 たくさんの励まし、ご感想を頂き、ここまで続けてこられました。


高山の街中ではなく、あえて郊外を選んだのは、 そこに守るべき素敵な古民家があったから。

"ゲストハウス"と名乗るのも、 ホストとゲストの"距離感"を大切にしたいから。

ほっとできる場所、皆様が気に入ってくださる空間を 今後も守り続けたいです。

SOYの空間を気に入ってくださる方、 我々の想いに共感してくださる方、 ご支援ご協力をお願い致します。

【宿泊チケット】 1枚:1泊朝食付き1名さま¥7,900 (スタンダードのお部屋となります)

現在、旅行によるコロナウイルスの感染、感染拡大も懸念されます。 宿泊チケットの有効期限は"無期限"とさせて頂きますので、 ぜひ"収束後"にお越しください。

ご協力、ご賛同いただけます方は、 お手数ではございますが、

・お名前 ・ご住所 ・お電話番号 ・メールアドレス ・ご購入枚数


までお送りください。 よろしくお願い致します。 こちらから改めてご連絡さえて頂きます。

なお決済方法ですが、 オンラインで完結できる様、 クレジットカード決済のみとさせて頂きます。 (皆様の不要不急の外出の要因とならない様に、 させて頂きました。)

48時間以内にこちらから返信がない場合, お手数ではございますが、 0577-62-9005 までご連絡ください。

Dear Customers

We would like to announce that we will be selling “accommodation vouchers.”

Due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, the travel industry is strongly impacted and our city, Takayama, a famous touring spot, is no exception. We are starting to hear news about our neighboring traditional hotels that went out of business due to this crisis and we are in a serious condition as well.

To be honest, our sales have decreased by 60-70 % during February and March. We don’t even want to think about April. It is likely to be minus 99 % and we are starting to receive cancellation notices for May as well.

We are a family-run guest house and therefore, we do not have to worry too much about staff’s labor costs but we still have tens of millions of renovation mortgages left to pay.

If this situation continues, we too will have to worry seriously about closing our business.

We, SOY, have done everything we could do to make our guests’ stay as unforgettable as possible and we already have a lot of repeat guests from all over the world.

Would you please read the beautiful reviews written by our guests:


The greatest gifts from our guest are their words like “We will come back!” “This was the highlight of our trip” “We will surely return to have your mom’s meal!” “We had the most relaxing time.” And this is why it is always a pleasure to spend our days and nights welcoming guests!!

March this year was our 5th Anniversary month and we have just renovated and opened our new annex, 150-year-old wooden warehouse unique to the Hida region.

We have decided to open our guest house a bit away from the central touring sight simply because we found the loveliest traditional house that we certainly did not want to lose! We have decided to relocate the traditional warehouse to our land for the same reason as well.

We name ourselves a “guest house” because we value the emotional closeness between our guests and us, hosts. We wish to continue to work hard in creating the coziest home for those visiting SOY.

Those who had planned to visit us but did not work out due to the pandemic, those who are interested in visiting Japan and this beautiful & peaceful city of Takayama, anybody who wish to purchase our accommodation voucher contact SOY, please.

We sincerely appreciate your warm support!

“SOY Accommodation Voucher” 7,900 JPY per person, per night, breakfast included

We accept online payments or credit card payments.

The novel coronavirus is, unfortunately, spreading still. Therefore, there will be no expiration date for this voucher. Please visit SOY after the coronavirus situation is resolved.

Send us a message with your

Name Address Phone Number Email Address No. of vouchers

We will email you back. If you don’t receive our reply within 48 hours, call us 81 577 62 9005 or send us a message again.

Guest House SOY

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