ウエルコミュニティ飛騨 “青空作業所” さんの商品、販売を始めます。 障がいをお持ちの方々が作られています。 本日、施設見学をさせて頂きましたが、 皆さんの集中力たるや…
我が家の食器洗剤は、こちらの石けんです。 洗濯用洗剤もこちらのものに変えます! とてもお求めやすい価格なので、 是非お試しを!
We will be selling the products of "Aozora Workshop," a community of persons with disabilities. We have visited the workshop and seen for ourselves their diligent works!
Actually, we already use their product for washing dishes and will be changing the laundry detergent, too. The prices are very reasonable. We strongly recommend their products!!
